RFC: The AvocadoDB Query Language | ArangoDB Blog 2012

Note: We changed the name of the database in May 2012. AvocadoDB is now called ArangoDB. The REST API for AvocadoDB is already available and stable and people are writing APIs using it. Awesome. As AvocacoDB offers more complex data structures like graphs and lists REST is not enough. We implemented a first version of…

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Skip List Indices in AvocadoDB | ArangoDB Blog 2012

Note: We changed the name of the database in May 2012. AvocadoDB is now called ArangoDB. Last week AvocadoDB got mentioned in “nosql weekly” and the project achieved a huge amount of public interest especially from Japan. Awesome! 🙂 In this context Mr. Fiber asked on twitter what the use of skip list indices in…

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