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ArangoDB Weekly 33: V8 Upgrade and ArangoDB 2.6.7 Highlights

In the last two weeks we’ve fixed some issues, upgraded the bundled V8 version in ArangoDB and released the maintenance release 2.6.5 and 2.6.7 . Besides that we continued our efforts to enhance our indexing capabilities and startet further cluster tests.

ArangoDB Release

The next maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.6 is available for download. You can find a full list of changes in our change-log (2.6.7) and change-log (2.6.5).

Download ArangoDB 2.6.7

ArangoDB related (Drivers & more)

  • (Elasticsearch) elasticsearch-river-arangodb: River Plugin for ElasticSearch, now builds against ES 1.7 (Patrick Huber)
  • (PHP) zend-arangodb-auth (early stage): provides auth and acl for zend framework (Cyberrebell)
  • (Python) python-arango (2.0.0): API call methods for user management and monitoring (Joohwan Oh)
  • (vert.x) vertx-arango-client (early stage): ArangoDB client library built with vert.x. (Craig G)

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Sep. 18/19, 2015 – Berlin: distributed matters

Did you know?

Writing multi-line AQL queries in JavaScript made easy.

Instead of a string concatenation like this:

var query = "FOR doc IN collection " + "FILTER doc.value == @what " + "RETURN doc";

… you can either use the more elegant ES6 template string that is supported since ArangoDB 2.5:

var query =`FOR doc IN collection FILTER doc.value == @what RETURN doc`;

… or you use the query builder (aqb):

var qb = require("aqb");

var jobs = db.\_createStatement({ 
query: ( 
 .sort('job.delayUntil', 'ASC') 
bindVars: { 
 queue: queue._key, 
 now: Date.now(), 
 max: queue.maxWorkers - numBusy 

Some more details on advantages and compatibility you can find in our new recipe Multi-Line AQL Queries.

Julie Ferrario

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