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Community Edition

Unlock the Power of Multi-Model Databases with ArangoDB Community Edition: A Free, Open-Source Solution for Agile Teams Seeking Scalability, Flexibility, and High Performance.

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Machine learning done right

Native Graph

Store both data and relationships, for faster queries even with multiple levels of joins and deeper insights that simply aren’t possible with traditional relational and document databases.

Node classification as a service2

Document Store

Every node in your graph is a JSON document: flexible, extensible, and easily imported from your existing document database.

Machine learning done right


Natively integrated cross-platform indexing, text-search and ranking engine for information retrieval, optimized for speed and memory.

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Get started with
Graph today

with no credit card required.

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Read the Graph Done Right White Paper

to understand everything about Graph Databases and their use cases

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Read the
Case Studies

about how companies across industries are switching to Graph.

Query Language

AQL provides a powerful way to access and combine all data access strategies in ArangoDB.


Unify your data storage logic, reduce network overhead and secure sensitive data with Foxx.

Full GeoJSON

Enrich your graph, document or search queries with geo-locational aspects.

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ArangoDB vs.


ArangoDB vs.

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Get started with
Graph today

with no credit card required.

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Read the Graph Done Right White Paper

to understand everything about Graph Databases and their use cases

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Read the
Case Studies

about how companies across industries are switching to Graph.