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Foxx configuration

Foxx services can define configuration parameters in the service manifest to make them more re-usable.

The configuration object maps names to configuration parameters:

  • The key is the name under which the parameter will be available on the service context’s configuration property.

  • The value is a parameter definition.

The key should be a valid identifier following the case-insensitive format /^[_$a-z][-_$a-z0-9]*$/.

The parameter definition can have the following properties:

  • description: string

    Human readable description of the parameter.

  • type: string (Default: "string")

    Type of the configuration parameter. Supported values are:

    • "integer" or "int": any finite integer number.

    • "boolean" or "bool": the values true or false.

    • "number": any finite decimal or integer number.

    • "string": any string value.

    • "json": any well-formed JSON value.

    • "password": like string but will be displayed as a masked input field in the web frontend.

  • default: any

    Default value of the configuration parameter.

  • required: (Default: true)

    Whether the parameter is required.

If the configuration has parameters that do not specify a default value, you need to configure the service before it becomes active. In the meantime a fallback service will be mounted that responds to all requests with a HTTP 500 status code indicating a server-side error.

The configuration parameters of a mounted service can be adjusted from the web interface by clicking the Configuration button in the service details.


"configuration": {
  "currency": {
    "description": "Currency symbol to use for prices in the shop.",
    "default": "$",
    "type": "string"
  "secretKey": {
    "description": "Secret key to use for signing session tokens.",
    "type": "password"