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2022 G2 Graph Database Reports

ArangoDB is a leader in two reports, with a 94% user recommendation.

ArangoDB is included in the G2 Graph Database Reports, which compare the best graph databases on the market. The  reports rank each product based on user reviews, market presence, and data analyzed from social media and other online sources.

See why ArangoDB is a Leader in the Grid and Momentum Grid Report, and how we stack up against 10 other vendors.

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Grid Report Graphic Spring

Leader in Graph Databases

The G2 Grid Report for Graph Databases ranks graph databases by customer satisfaction and market presence. View ArangoDB’s ranking through the democratic voices of real software users, instead of through the voice of just one analyst.

#1 Satisfaction Score

The Momentum Grid for Graph Databases provides benchmarks for product comparison and market trend analysis. See why  ArangoDB has the highest Satisfaction Score.

Momentum Grid Report Graphic Spring
Relationship Index Report Graphic Spring

95% of Users Recommended ArangoDB

The G2 Relationship Index for Graph Databases identifies the products that provide the best relationship with software sellers based on real-user satisfaction ratings.