Update: Evolving ArangoDB’s Licensing Model for a Sustainable Future

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Update: https://arangodb.com/2023/10/evolving-arangodbs-licensing-model-for-a-sustainable- future/

Last October the first iteration of this blog post explained an update to ArangoDB’s 10-year-old license model. Thank you for providing feedback and suggestions. As mentioned, we will always remain committed to our community and hence today, we are happy to announce yet another update that integrates your feedback.

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Three Ways to Scale your Graph

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As businesses grow and their data needs increase, they often face the challenge of scaling their database systems to keep up with the increasing demand.

What happens when your single server machine is no longer sufficient to store your graph that has grown too large? Or when your instance can no longer cope with the increasing amount of user requests coming in?

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Graph and Entity Resolution Against Cyber Fraud

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

With the growing prevalence of the internet in our daily lives, the risks of malware, ransomware, and other cyber fraud are rising. The digital nature of these attacks makes it very easy for fraudsters to scale by creating thousands of accounts, so even if one is identified, they can continue their attacks.
In this blog post, we will discuss how graph and entity resolution (ER) can help us battle these risks across different industries such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce (for example, the US healthcare system alone can save $300 billion a year with entity resolution). You will also receive hands-on experience with entity resolution on ArangoDB.

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Combat Fraud with Graph

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Fraud is one of the most significant issues facing businesses today. While companies have always faced fraud, detecting fraudulent activity has become even more challenging due to increased online transactions. Globally, fraud results in more than $3.7 trillion in annual losses (Murphy, 2022). Fraud comes in numerous forms, including but not limited to money laundering, identity theft, account takeover, and payment fraud. Due to the variety of ways companies can face fraud, they must have a system to protect themselves and their customers.

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Why Should You Care About SOC 2?

And by the way, ArangoDB is SOC 2 compliant!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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While driving along California’s Highway 101 and its billboards, compliance and SOC 2 seem to be an omnipresent – yet challenging – topic. But is it really? And if so, why? In this blog post, we want to share why and how ArangoDB has become SOC 2 compliant.

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ArangoDB Assembles 10,000 GitHub Stargazers

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

ArangoDB Repo Stargazer Map 1 1

Today is a marvelous day for the ArangoDB project and the community behind it.

A couple of minutes ago, the 10,000th stargazer joined the project on GitHub, and we want to send a really big “Thank You!” to each and everyone of you for showing your support.

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RocksDB Integration in ArangoDB: FAQs

The new release of ArangoDB 3.2 is just around the corner and will include some major improvements like distributed graph processing with Pregel or a powerful export tool. But most importantly we integrated Facebook’s RocksDB as the first pluggable storage engine in ArangoDB. With RocksDB you will be able to use as much data in ArangoDB as fits on your disc.

As this is an important change and many questions reached us from the community we wanted to share some answers on the most common questions. Please find them below

Will I be able to go beyond the limit of RAM?

Yes. By defining RocksDB as your storage engine you will be able to work with as much data as fits on your disc.

What is the locking behaviour with RocksDB in ArangoDB?

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ArangoDB Snapcraft Packaging: Simplified Deployment

ArangoDB Packaging

With ArangoDB 3.0 we reworked the build process to be based completely on cmake. The packaging was partly done using cpack (Windows, Mac), for the rest regular packaging scripts on the SuSE OBS were used. With ArangoDB 3.1 we reworked all packaging to be included in the ArangoDB Source code and use CPack. Users can now easily use that to build their own Packages from the source, as we do with Jenkins. Community member Artur Janke (@servusoft) contributed the new ubuntu snap packaging assisted by Michael Hall (@mhall119). Big thanks for that!

Download packages for Snap Ubuntu Core16.04 Read more

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Learn ArangoDB while contributing

We are fortunate to live in an open-source world with a fairly large international community of users and contributors, which has been only growing more and more in the past year. (Big thanks for that, by the way 😉 ) Especially that we have recently received quite a few requests on how one can contribute to ArangoDB in an easy and quick way, we have decided that the time has come to get closer to our community and get even more involved.

A lot of great ideas came up during a chat with some of our long-term users on how we could improve on that front. Among all others, the most straightforward one is asking the community for some help and support on GitHub. So we took a bit of time to go through open issues and selected a few now tagged ‘Help Wanted’. Here is a selection of easy tasks that will get you started contributing to ArangoDB with code or ideas and concepts for features. It is only a few to start with, but if you want to get involved we would appreciate your helping hand! Read more

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Meet Patrick: ArangoDB User & Community Contributor

In April 2015, Thomas Pfeiffer, a user experience researcher and active open-source contributor, did an interview with one very active member of the ArangoDB community – J Patrick Davenport from Palatka, FL, USA. The aim was to get an idea about the open-source project ArangoDB as a whole and the development process so far – from the perspective of a developer. This interview first appeared in Thomas Pfeiffer sessellift blog on April 27th.

Thomas: Hi Patrick, to start off, could you tell me a little about yourself (your background, the job in which you’re using ArangoDB, …)?

Patrick: About me: I’m a Solutions Architect, working for my own company, DeusDat Solutions. I’ve been working over 8 years as a software Bob Villa (This Old House, American Reference). My clients call me in to renovate code bases that are near collapse. I’ve improved multiple Fortune 500 company’s core business applications. Recently I designed half to the Medicare Fraud Detection System for the US Government. That was based on Hadoop.


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