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A quick look at one of many open-source Foxx Microservices that have been developed by the ArangoDB community. Join Aditya Mukhopadhyay, as he explores RecallGraph – a Foxx Microservice that adds version control to your data.

The talk will examine the importance of data-versioning, some related concepts, and the specific capabilities of RecallGraph itself. Finally, a quick demo with an application that leverages Recallgraph’s time-traveling feature.

Learn more RecallGraph in our RecallGraph Community Pioneer Meetup from 2020.

Check out RecallGraph on Github. 

Aditya Mukhopadhyay

Aditya Mukhopadhyay


About the Presenter:

Aditya is part of the Graph Team at ArangoDB. He loves open source and maintains OSS projects in his spare time. He has a background in web development and was a full-stack developer before zooming in on database engineering and design. He believes every programming language is good at solving a specific class of problems, and hence deserves merit in its own strength areas. He is a fan of TDD and automated tooling for code quality assurance.